Reluctant Therapist

Monthly posts inspired by patients

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An Audio “Caution” for you

This is a few random chapters from a book I wrote last year   Caution: The Choice is Yours by Bryan Lindberg is an inspirational and motivational book that reiterates the power of choice in our lives. The three types… Continue Reading →

Resolution … or Not

  This post came to me while mowing my lawn. Mowing is just one of several activities that causes my mind to wander. So, while zipping around on my zero turn, I often go over the weeks conversations with patients…. Continue Reading →

What dooo you Believe?

be·lief  an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. 2. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. [poll id=”10″] Followup question: Are these core beliefs apparent to others?  If not, they’re NOT core. Belief is the state of… Continue Reading →

Do U C what I C?

Let’s say a fruit is sitting on the table. We both see it, but your brain sees an apple and mine sees a plum. [poll id=”9″] Quantum physics, and particularly Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, says that as our perception of an… Continue Reading →

Absence of Love

WARNING – It happened again. I start with an idea of what to write and the post goes and writes itself.   Do you start a post with a cliche? No. Instead I’ll start with a question. Life is a journey… Continue Reading →

In GOD we Trust … Really?

“In God We Trust” was adopted as the nation’s motto in 1956  as an alternative to the unofficial motto of E pluribus unum (“One of many”). Traditionally, the meaning of the phrase was that out of many states (or colonies) emerges… Continue Reading →

Smart Dumb People

Smart dumb is an oxymoron, like military intelligence, the two words don’t seem to go together. Oxusmoros is Greek for see that guy on the Ox? He’s a moron. Actually, it is New Latin from Greek oxumōron, from oxus sharp +… Continue Reading →

What’s in a WORD?

  I’m not a linguist but I am a fan of the word. The WORD, as explained by other words is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing. As I sit here in my living room with my… Continue Reading →

Boycott LOVE

LOVE! Women search for it and men fall into it. In 1967 John Lennon told us, “All you need is love.” If there was a decade that needed love, it was the Sixties. The 1960s were a time of change. The… Continue Reading →

Got Faith?

What makes good character? Funny you should ask. There are four traits or virtues  that seem to form good character; know what they are? Click  on Virtue 101. At a parenting workshop I was asked, “What is the one thing we [parents]… Continue Reading →

The Best U

Every one has heard or said, “Be the best you can be.” O.K.? I mean isn’t that obvious. How about telling me HOW to be the best I can be. The Greeks tackled that about 1500 years ago. The word… Continue Reading →

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