Monthly posts inspired by patients

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Everything Follows Something

Everywhere the human soul stands between a hemisphere of light and another of darkness; on the confines of the two everlasting empires, necessity and freewill. —Thomas Carlyle Freewill means we get free range. The idea is that we get to… Continue Reading →

That’s NOT a problem

As a talk therapist, I understand  the power of words. I know the importance of choosing and using the right words because the use of that word can have tremendous influence on any given event or action. People come to… Continue Reading →

What rrrr You Thinking?

I feel compelled to inform you of the chaos that is my thought process. This comes as an answer to a Reluctant Reader (my wife). Her comment was (in so many words): Your writing is organized chaos that some how… Continue Reading →

What’s the point?

The other day I was asked, “What’s the point?” Their rather sarcastic question was in response to a suggested (SMALL) step towards a path leading to change. My rather sarcastic response was, “Good question; Now tell me the answer. What’s… Continue Reading →

Resolution … or Not

  This post came to me while mowing my lawn. Mowing is just one of several activities that causes my mind to wander. So, while zipping around on my zero turn, I often go over the weeks conversations with patients…. Continue Reading →

What’s in a WORD?

  I’m not a linguist but I am a fan of the word. The WORD, as explained by other words is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing. As I sit here in my living room with my… Continue Reading →


“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.” Paul Tillich Doubt lies somewhere between belief and disbelief. It involves uncertainty, distrust, and the lack of sureness in what you know, do, feel, or decide. Doubt questions… Continue Reading →

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