Monthly posts inspired by patients

Tag faith

U R what U believe U R

In 2011, Ipsos conducted a poll for Reuters News in twenty-four countries. The issue was about the belief. Reuters wanted to know what humans believe about the origins of human beings. Respondents were prompted with the statement, “There has been some… Continue Reading →

It’s My Nature

As many of you know, I am a reluctant therapist. My reluctance? There are a couple of reasons: X-military career guy that was injured, retired, and diverted to the seminary.  Unemployed educated guy with a pregnant wife who got a job… Continue Reading →

Wrong Time-Zone

Heads up! This post is about time and anxiety. The two are partners in crime. My evil plan 😈  is  to  give you a different way to think about anxiety. By doing so, you will change it. Yes. I am… Continue Reading →

I need PP next year

So this is the one time of year that we ALL contemplate. Like looking both ways before crossing the street; we collectively look backwards and forward. When I earnestly take a look at my life there is one thing I… Continue Reading →

What dooo you Believe?

be·lief  an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. 2. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. [poll id=”10″] Followup question: Are these core beliefs apparent to others?  If not, they’re NOT core. Belief is the state of… Continue Reading →

Got Faith?

What makes good character? Funny you should ask. There are four traits or virtues  that seem to form good character; know what they are? Click  on Virtue 101. At a parenting workshop I was asked, “What is the one thing we [parents]… Continue Reading →

The Best U

Every one has heard or said, “Be the best you can be.” O.K.? I mean isn’t that obvious. How about telling me HOW to be the best I can be. The Greeks tackled that about 1500 years ago. The word… Continue Reading →

Give ME Courage

I know a girl from Kansas that had three friends. One sought Prudence, one Love and the other Courage. Courage is the choice and willingness to confront  agony, pain, danger or uncertainty. Did you catch that? It is a CHOICE. Virtues are… Continue Reading →


I know? Interesting title. Since I write about things I know, you can bet I know something about Idiopathic. Specifically, Idiopathic Cerebellar Degeneration. Try saying that three times fast. If you read it middle name first, followed by last and… Continue Reading →


As you can imagine, when a Marriage and Family Therapist tackles the issue of faith and trust it most often involves infidelity. What happens is, before they call me, the couple tries to weather the storm of thought and emotion…. Continue Reading →


“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.” Paul Tillich Doubt lies somewhere between belief and disbelief. It involves uncertainty, distrust, and the lack of sureness in what you know, do, feel, or decide. Doubt questions… Continue Reading →

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