Monthly posts inspired by patients

Tag communication


It happen last Thursday. I came home like I do every Thursday. The wife greeted me with, “How’s your day?” “O.K.” came the zombie reply. “What’s wrong?” was the response  “Nothing” I said with a slight tune. To this the… Continue Reading →

You’re Not Hearing Me

Communication … the cornerstone of every relationship. If I had a dollar every time someone told me, “Our problem is communication;” I would have a lot of dollars. What they are subtly saying to Bob is; were here talking to… Continue Reading →

To PING or not. That’s the Question?

I PING. You PING. We all PING, for ice PING. Forget that last part, I have no idea what’s a ice Ping. The only time we don’t PING is when PP (Potential Pingers)  are not around . Whenever PP are within,… Continue Reading →

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