Monthly posts inspired by patients

Author Reluctant Therapist

Everything Follows Something

Everywhere the human soul stands between a hemisphere of light and another of darkness; on the confines of the two everlasting empires, necessity and freewill. —Thomas Carlyle Freewill means we get free range. The idea is that we get to… Continue Reading →

That’s NOT a problem

As a talk therapist, I understand  the power of words. I know the importance of choosing and using the right words because the use of that word can have tremendous influence on any given event or action. People come to… Continue Reading →

Trail Blazer

In 1966 I was adopted. In 1976, at the age of twelve, I celebrated Americas Bi-Centennial in Michigan. In 1986 I was in the South China Sea with the Seventh Fleet stationed in Yokosuka, Japan. In 1996 I was in… Continue Reading →

Don’t be a Cow

Let me explain, I don’t really think you’re a Cow. And obviously, I am not a Cow because as we all know … Cows can’t type. My writing starts with an idea and usually that idea comes with a interesting working title. This month… Continue Reading →

Driving in the Rain

This is the second part of my Drivers Ed. series. To read my first post, check out We live in Appalachia and there is a definite learning curve to living in Appalachia. One of those curves is driving in… Continue Reading →

Difference Between YOU & ME … not much

Last week the mechanic said that my 2011 Jeep Liberty Limited with 130,000 miles needed some transmission work in the next month or two. This news coupled with the fact that my family grew by two 11 year-old foster boys… Continue Reading →

U R what U believe U R

In 2011, Ipsos conducted a poll for Reuters News in twenty-four countries. The issue was about the belief. Reuters wanted to know what humans believe about the origins of human beings. Respondents were prompted with the statement, “There has been some… Continue Reading →

Back to Basics

First Basic Truth: Life … It’s yours. The life you live is yours and the choices made; easy, hard, good or bad are entirely yours. You can choose to end it. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that… Continue Reading →

The Necessity of PAIN

Two things you can bet on: Humans pursue pleasure and avoid pain. Now, keep in mind, pleasure and pain are retaliative to the human; somebody’s pleasure may be another pain. Some people get great pleasure training for and completing a… Continue Reading →


It happen last Thursday. I came home like I do every Thursday. The wife greeted me with, “How’s your day?” “O.K.” came the zombie reply. “What’s wrong?” was the response  “Nothing” I said with a slight tune. To this the… Continue Reading →

You’re Not Hearing Me

Communication … the cornerstone of every relationship. If I had a dollar every time someone told me, “Our problem is communication;” I would have a lot of dollars. What they are subtly saying to Bob is; were here talking to… Continue Reading →

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