Monthly posts inspired by patients

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An Audio “Caution” for you

This is a few random chapters from a book I wrote last year   Caution: The Choice is Yours by Bryan Lindberg is an inspirational and motivational book that reiterates the power of choice in our lives. The three types… Continue Reading →

Resolution … or Not

  This post came to me while mowing my lawn. Mowing is just one of several activities that causes my mind to wander. So, while zipping around on my zero turn, I often go over the weeks conversations with patients…. Continue Reading →

Absence of Love

WARNING – It happened again. I start with an idea of what to write and the post goes and writes itself.   Do you start a post with a cliche? No. Instead I’ll start with a question. Life is a journey… Continue Reading →

Virtue 101

Virtue; now there is a word for ya. For me, an American boy raised in the Bible belt, it calls up all the things a good boy should be; Faithful, Hopeful, and Charitable. A virtue is many things done many… Continue Reading →

To PING or not. That’s the Question?

I PING. You PING. We all PING, for ice PING. Forget that last part, I have no idea what’s a ice Ping. The only time we don’t PING is when PP (Potential Pingers)  are not around . Whenever PP are within,… Continue Reading →


                                Remember WWJD?             It became popular in the United States in the 1990s. The phrase is a reminder of their belief… Continue Reading →

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