This is a few random chapters from a book I wrote last year Caution: The Choice is Yours by Bryan Lindberg is an inspirational and motivational book that reiterates the power of choice in our lives. The three types… Continue Reading →
This post came to me while mowing my lawn. Mowing is just one of several activities that causes my mind to wander. So, while zipping around on my zero turn, I often go over the weeks conversations with patients…. Continue Reading →
WARNING – It happened again. I start with an idea of what to write and the post goes and writes itself. Do you start a post with a cliche? No. Instead I’ll start with a question. Life is a journey… Continue Reading →
Virtue; now there is a word for ya. For me, an American boy raised in the Bible belt, it calls up all the things a good boy should be; Faithful, Hopeful, and Charitable. A virtue is many things done many… Continue Reading →
I PING. You PING. We all PING, for ice PING. Forget that last part, I have no idea what’s a ice Ping. The only time we don’t PING is when PP (Potential Pingers) are not around . Whenever PP are within,… Continue Reading →
Remember WWJD? It became popular in the United States in the 1990s. The phrase is a reminder of their belief… Continue Reading →
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