Monthly posts inspired by patients

Tag love

I need PP next year

So this is the one time of year that we ALL contemplate. Like looking both ways before crossing the street; we collectively look backwards and forward. When I earnestly take a look at my life there is one thing I… Continue Reading →

Absence of Love

WARNING – It happened again. I start with an idea of what to write and the post goes and writes itself.   Do you start a post with a cliche? No. Instead I’ll start with a question. Life is a journey… Continue Reading →

Boycott LOVE

LOVE! Women search for it and men fall into it. In 1967 John Lennon told us, “All you need is love.” If there was a decade that needed love, it was the Sixties. The 1960s were a time of change. The… Continue Reading →

The Best U

Every one has heard or said, “Be the best you can be.” O.K.? I mean isn’t that obvious. How about telling me HOW to be the best I can be. The Greeks tackled that about 1500 years ago. The word… Continue Reading →

A Girl Named Prudence

Aristotle said a virtue is a point between a deficiency and an excess of a trait. We Americans say, “To much of a good thing is not good.” Remember Virtue 101? You do not have to be good all the time… Continue Reading →

It’s About time

I was told I should change the title and give an example. This is the revised post with example. I am glad to see more than one person follows my blog. There is an advantage to listening to hundreds of… Continue Reading →


                                Remember WWJD?             It became popular in the United States in the 1990s. The phrase is a reminder of their belief… Continue Reading →

You R N Control!

Relational will comes in three flavors: voluntary, involuntary and non-voluntary. Voluntary will is an action taken with no outside influence. It happens when you take control, like when an argument is turning into a fight.          … Continue Reading →


This exercise will show priorities and their importance. You need five sheets of paper and a pencil. Write “Life” on the top of two, and “Spirit” on the others. Draw a circle on one life sheet and two more on two spirit sheets…. Continue Reading →

Rationale meets Emotion

There are times when my wife (Tori) and I are on the same page. This is a wonderful moment when our discussions flow, it is a time when see the same thing the same way. Then there are the other… Continue Reading →


“We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” -C.S. Lewis Mr…. Continue Reading →

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