Reluctant Therapist

Monthly posts inspired by patients



Got Faith?

What makes good character? Funny you should ask. There are four traits or virtues  that seem to form good character; know what they are? Click  on Virtue 101. At a parenting workshop I was asked, “What is the one thing we [parents]… Continue Reading →

The Best U

Every one has heard or said, “Be the best you can be.” O.K.? I mean isn’t that obvious. How about telling me HOW to be the best I can be. The Greeks tackled that about 1500 years ago. The word… Continue Reading →

Time for CHANGE!

On average only 8% of New Years Resolutions are successful. After years of exhaustive research there appears to be a direct correlation between CHANGE and TIME. According to the author, ME, you can put off change but the longer you… Continue Reading →

Justice is not Equal

There are seven virtues. That’s right, only seven. Four of them play a pivotal role and accordingly are called “cardinal.” The other three are the theological virtues and play a direct role in the other four. Only seven virtues! Now there… Continue Reading →

Give ME Courage

I know a girl from Kansas that had three friends. One sought Prudence, one Love and the other Courage. Courage is the choice and willingness to confront  agony, pain, danger or uncertainty. Did you catch that? It is a CHOICE. Virtues are… Continue Reading →


Today is Black Friday, or it was when I wrote this. The day devoted to over-indulgence follows a day of abundant thanks for what we have, that’s Thanksgiving the American way. You have to read that last part with a… Continue Reading →

A Girl Named Prudence

Aristotle said a virtue is a point between a deficiency and an excess of a trait. We Americans say, “To much of a good thing is not good.” Remember Virtue 101? You do not have to be good all the time… Continue Reading →

Confession, Scars and Ghosts

This post started as one thing and ended as another. So I really have no idea of the title. C’est la vie (That’s life) As hard as this may be for some of you to read; I do not have a… Continue Reading →

Do You Care?

Caring – about people, about things, about life – is an act of maturity. Tracy McMillan There is an assumption in polite society that you care. There is danger of assuming everyone cares. Maybe that is the problem. Assuming a majority… Continue Reading →


I know? Interesting title. Since I write about things I know, you can bet I know something about Idiopathic. Specifically, Idiopathic Cerebellar Degeneration. Try saying that three times fast. If you read it middle name first, followed by last and… Continue Reading →


As you can imagine, when a Marriage and Family Therapist tackles the issue of faith and trust it most often involves infidelity. What happens is, before they call me, the couple tries to weather the storm of thought and emotion…. Continue Reading →

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