Monthly posts inspired by patients

Category Individual

Play the Depression Game and WIN

Depression is an opponent just like any other, YOU struggle to be the one that wins. The thing that makes depression such a deviant is that it steals your desire to play. Forget about winning, your desire to even play… Continue Reading →

To PING or not. That’s the Question?

I PING. You PING. We all PING, for ice PING. Forget that last part, I have no idea what’s a ice Ping. The only time we don’t PING is when PP (Potential Pingers)  are not around . Whenever PP are within,… Continue Reading →


Who am I? This existential question haunts mankind. It begs an answer. The fact that no answer has emerged over the countless generations tells me that these three words are a riddle. To add insult to injury, we live in… Continue Reading →

The Choice is Yours

It’s official, you are responsible. According to my exhaustive research (counting votes) of the poll question,         What make a person LUKEWARM? 40% of you said it is caused by a lack of conviction. That means not having… Continue Reading →

Lukewarm BURNS ME!

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. William James If you have a belief, let’s hear it. I or anyone else doesn’t care if it’s not the same as mine. Or I should… Continue Reading →


                                Remember WWJD?             It became popular in the United States in the 1990s. The phrase is a reminder of their belief… Continue Reading →

It’s Time To Fight

 I think it is incumbent on anyone who can lift human dignity to the highest possible levels, maintaining one’s own and helping to raise that of others – Henry Rollins –  Many know I am a addictions counselor. I started… Continue Reading →


“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.” Paul Tillich Doubt lies somewhere between belief and disbelief. It involves uncertainty, distrust, and the lack of sureness in what you know, do, feel, or decide. Doubt questions… Continue Reading →

You R N Control!

Relational will comes in three flavors: voluntary, involuntary and non-voluntary. Voluntary will is an action taken with no outside influence. It happens when you take control, like when an argument is turning into a fight.          … Continue Reading →


This exercise will show priorities and their importance. You need five sheets of paper and a pencil. Write “Life” on the top of two, and “Spirit” on the others. Draw a circle on one life sheet and two more on two spirit sheets…. Continue Reading →

Faithing the Facts

Faithing the Facts “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible”   — Thomas Aquinas Fact: If you are reading this right now, which is true, you’re intelligent. Fact: Intelligence is a… Continue Reading →

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