Monthly posts inspired by patients

Category Relationships


The following excerpt is from C.S. Lewis The Screwtape Letters. The senior demon, Screwtape, is trying to help his new tempting nephew, Wormwood, keep the new Christian sliding away from his faith.    … you will find that anything or nothing is sufficient… Continue Reading →


Tis the season … The one when we take time to check ourselves and decide what things we did  ‘good’ and ‘bad’,  then decide what changes to make.  Yes, I  am talking about the resolution to … The sad statistic… Continue Reading →

Wrong Time-Zone

Heads up! This post is about time and anxiety. The two are partners in crime. My evil plan 😈  is  to  give you a different way to think about anxiety. By doing so, you will change it. Yes. I am… Continue Reading →


Konnichiwa is a Japanese greeting, typically a mid-day greeting. It is also used as an informal greeting, “hello” At the age of 21, I woke up one morning in Yokosuka; a city of a half million at the mouth of Tokyo Bay. It also… Continue Reading →

Becoming ALPHA

There was a time in my twenties that I fit the popular definition of Alpha but I was NOT. When I was eighteen I graduated from a small Indiana high school; graduating class of 198 small. At 6′ 4″ and… Continue Reading →

Lower the Bar

Sometimes I think I expect to much. After nearly 20 years of working with people has taught me one thing, lower your expectations. People are so unpredictable  that you never know for sure what to expect. So, I now enjoy… Continue Reading →

Survival? It depends …

If I say nature and survival, chances are that you will say something like Survival of the Fittest. Who came up with that? What do you think?  [qsm quiz=1] Charles Darwin wrote a book in 1859, On the Origin of Species. Six… Continue Reading →

You Selfish Pig

“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” – Oscar Wilde Righteous pain follows a noble belief; needless pain follows a selfish act. This means if you go… Continue Reading →

Not Done but DO That Matters

As a therapist people think I judge right (normal) and wrong ( abnormal) behavior and decide what people should DO. It would be nice if the only problem was people not knowing right from wrong, but they DO. No, the… Continue Reading →

Christianity ain’t Natural

  What would I do if I met Christ? APOLOGIZE on behalf of my brothers and sisters. If Christianity was only a club with a history of over 2000 years. I would not belong. Mainly because half of the members are… Continue Reading →

What rrrr You Thinking?

I feel compelled to inform you of the chaos that is my thought process. This comes as an answer to a Reluctant Reader (my wife). Her comment was (in so many words): Your writing is organized chaos that some how… Continue Reading →

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